Our mother planet earth is also greeted with an alternative name the Blue Planet, as it seems blue when watched from the space due to the presence of 3/4th part of water on it. There are so many uniquely interwoven natural forces and factors which enabled this planet to sustain a beautiful spectrum of life forms, conclusively referred as biodiversity. But, alas! The earth and different life forms inhabiting thereon are in peril; in this regard, to do our own bit the idea of constitution of Blue Planet Society was conceived and the plans were nailed down in a formal meeting on 24th March, 2004 under the leadership of Dr. Hari Prakash Pandey and six other likeminded members having scientific temperament and common vision of global welfare. The society was registered on 31th March, 2004 under the Society Registration Act 1860 (Section-21) of Government of India vide Registration No. 1463/2003-04. Thus the Blue Planet Society legally came into existence as a non-profit organization in the service of nature and humanity with the fundamental objective of “Sarve bhavantu sukhinah Sarve santu niramyah” i.e. May all be happy May all be healthy.
1. Name of the organization : “Blue Planet Society”
2. Address of the organization : 22-B/2, Katra Road, Allahabad – 211002, U. P.
3. Jurisdiction : India
4. Objectives : BPS shall be a multidimensional organization with the prime objective of “Sarve bhavantu sukhinah Sarve santu niramyah” and shall execute following activities: (A) Establishing and managing multidimensional educational, research and training institutions related to the health, education, environment and biodiversity.
(B) Establishing and managing BPS units in villages, educational and training institutions for providing related trainings thereon.
(C) Creating awareness among public and ensure community participation on health, education, environment and biodiversity issues by organizing seminars, symposia and workshops.
(D) Publishing journals and books in Hindi and English languages and distributing them for the dissemination of knowledge related to the health, education, environment and biodiversity.
(E) Organizing different educational activities, training programs and workshops related to the development and extension of agriculture, forestry, fishery, and aquaculture for uplifting standard of living of masses.
(F) Running different types of short term, correspondence and regular courses related to health, education, environment and biodiversity.
(G) Organizing different activities; competitions, exhibitions, and art fairs for searching talents.
(H) Felicitating and awarding dignitaries, scholars, scientists, talented students and social workers for their outstanding contributions.
(I) Preserving and propagating alternative medicines, traditional knowledge, conventional intellects and manufacturing and distributing products based thereon.
(J) Constituting and managing different societies and sub-societies for achieving the aforesaid objectives of the organization.
(K) Receiving funds and other helps from Central Government, State Governments and their constituent bodies.
(L) Exercising all the practices under Soc. Reg. Act-1860 (Sec. 20), for developing the organization.
Name Designation Profession Membership type
1. Dr. H. P. Pandey President Education & Research Founder Member
2. Dr. S. K. Chauhan General Secretary Education & Research Founder Member
3. Mrs. Meera Chauhan Manager Social work Life Member
4. Mr. M. Abbasi Treasurer Education Founder Member
5. Mr. J. P. Upadhyay Member Education Founder Member
6. Dr. D. N. Mishra Member Education Life Member
7. Dr. V. K. Dwivedi Member Education & Research Founder Member
8. Mr. K. P. Tripathi Member Advocate Life Member
9. Mr. Sudhakar Upadhyay Member Social Work Life Member
10. Mr. S. P. Pandey Member Education Life Member
11. Miss Anjana Singh Member Dietician Life Member
12. Miss Sheela Chauhan Member Education Life Member
1. National Symposia Organized
1. National Symposium on Biodiversity, Conservation & Sustainable Utilization of Bio- resources. In collaboration with ISD College, University of Allahabad (March 17th -18th, 2005). Sponsored by: CSIR, New Delhi.
2. National Symposium on Biodiversity Assessment, Conservation & Ecoplanning In collaboration with ISD College, University of Allahabad (Jan.11th- 12th, 2007). Sponsored by: Ministry of Environment & Forests and Department of Biotechnology, Govt, of India, New Delhi.
3. 11th Indian Agricultural Scientists and Farmer’s Congress. In collaboration with ISD College, University of Allahabad and Bioved Research Institute of Agriculture & Technology, Allahabad (Feb. 14th-15th, 2009). Sponsored by: CSIR, DBT and DST, New Delhi.
4. 12th Indian Agricultural Scientists and Farmer’s Congress & National Symposium on Food Security in Changing Climate. In collaboration with ISD College, University of Allahabad; Bioved Research Institute of Agriculture & Technology, Allahabad and UPRTOU, Allahabad (Feb. 20th-21st, 2010). Sponsored by: CSIR and UGC, New Delhi.
2. Healthcare Camps
Sixty-one healthcare camps have been organized in different localities of rural and urban (slum) areas in U.P. for health checkups and distribution of medicines to the needy persons unable to afford the cost of their treatment.
3. Awareness Programs
Eighteen awareness programs on environmental and health related issues, including rallies and invited lectures have been organized by the volunteers of the society on world environment day (5th June) and foundation day of the society (24th March).
4. Researches
Several independent research projects are being run by the scientists associated to the society and the society is also planning to establish a separate research wing with the help of funding agencies.
5. Publications
Books : (01)
Abstract Souvenirs : (04)
Research Papers : (03)
Journal (BIOHERALD) : (01)
[BIOHERALD is an International Journal of Biodiversity & Environment published by the society with 2 issues per year; I in June and II in December].
As per the by-laws of the society any Indian or foreign individual or institution, faithful and dedicated to the objectives of the society can become member of the society by applying on definite format and paying subscription fee. Following categories of memberships are available:
1. Ordinary membership - (Valid for one calendar year)
2. Life membership - (Lifelong)
3. Honorary membership/fellowship - (Lifelong)
Every year two honorary members will be elected from the nominated eminent persons, who have extraordinary contributions in the field of health, education, environment, and biodiversity conservation through unanimous recommendation of the executive council and 2/3rd majority of members present and voting in the annual meeting of the society. Such members will enjoy the privileges of life members without fee but cannot hold any office.
1. Subscription Details
Membership of Blue Planet Society (with effect from: April 01, 2011)
Category Indian Foreign
1. Annual (Individual) Rs. 300/- US $ 30/-
2. Life (Individual) Rs. 2000/- US $ 300/-
3. Institutional (for five years) Rs. 5000/- US $ 500/-
The payments should be made through demand draft in favour of ‘Blue Planet Society’ payable at Allahabad, U.P. India.
For membership and all correspondence please contact to:
Dr. H. P. Pandey,
Blue Planet Society
22-B/2, Katra Road, Allahabad
PIN - 211002 India
Email: [email protected]
Mobile: +91 9451370408
Dr. S. K. Chauhan,
General Secretary
Blue Planet Society (Camp Office)
18, Mini MIG Colony, Newada, Ashok Nagar, Allahabad India
Email: [email protected]
Mobile: +919450404363
2. Privileges of Members
Our esteemed life members, fellows and honorary members/honorary fellows will enjoy following privileges:
1. Receive copy of Journal free.
2. Receive other publications of the society at half price.
3. Can communicate their articles/research papers for the publications in the Journal.
4. Can vote in general election, provided they are life members/fellow of the society.
5. Invitation in every symposium/seminar/workshop of the society.
6. Every life member will be entitled to be elected as fellow of the society after the completion of 2 years.
7. Life members will be entitled to write M.B.P.S. & Fellows, F.B.P.S. after their names.
8. More than 20 life members can start local chapter of the society with the permission of executive council.
3. Withdrawal of Membership
The executive committee can withdraw membership of any category under following circumstances:
1. Non payment of dues subscription within one month of due date.
2. On being declared mad or bankrupt.
3. Prosecuted by court of law in any personal or moral crime.
4. Any act against the interest of the society.
5. Resignation and its acceptance by executive committee.
6. Demise of the member.
1. Honorary Fellows
1. Prof. B. K. Verma, Ex Head, Department of Botany, University of Allahabad, Allahabad, India
2. Prof. D. Banerji, Director, Baba Amte People`s Empowerment Institute, Bagli, Distt.-Dewas, India
3. Prof. T. R. Sahu, Ex Head, Department of Botany, Dr. H. S. Gaur, Sagar University Sagar, India
4. Prof. T. Pullaiah, Principal, S.K.U. College, Srikrishnadevaraya University, Anantpur, India
5. Dr. S. D. Mishra, Emeritus Scientist, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, India
6. Dr. B. K. Dwivedi, Director, Bioved Research Institute of Agriculture & Technology, Allahabad, India
7. Prof. D. K. Chauhan, Department of Botany, University of Allahabad, India
8. Prof. Prakash Sinha, Department of History, Culture & Archaeology, University of Allahabad, India
2. Life Member/Fellows
1. Dr. H.P.Pandey, President, Blue Planet Society, Allahabad, India
2. Dr. S.K.Chauhan, General Secretary, Blue Planet Society, Allahabad, India
3. Mr. M. Abbasi, Treasurer, Blue Planet Society, Allahabad, India
4. Dr. D.N. Mishra, Member, Executive Council, Blue Planet Society, Allahabad, India
5. Mr. J. P. Upadhyay, Member, Executive Council, Blue Planet Society, Allahabad, India
6. Mr. K.P. Tripathi, Member, Executive Council, Blue Planet Society, Allahabad, India
7. Dr. J. P. Tewari, Reader, Department of Botany, MLK (PG) College, Balrampur, India
8. Dr. Sadguru Prakash, Lecturer, Department of Zoology, MLK (PG) College, Balrampur, India
9. Dr. P.R. Singh, Department of Zoology, University of Allahabad, India
10. Dr. Satya Narain, Sr. Lecturer, Department of Botany, University of Allahabad, India
11. Dr. Juhi Singh, Duthie Herbarium, Department of Botany, University of Allahabad, India
12. Dr. Pramod Kumar, Duthie Herbarium, Department of Botany, University of Allahabad, India
13. Dr. Richa Singh, Duthie Herbarium, Department of Botany, University of Allahabad, India
14. Dr. D. S. Shukla, Reader, Department of Botany, MLK (PG) College, Balrampur, India
15. Dr. T. P. Mall, Head, Department of Botany, Kisan (PG) College, Bahraich, India
16. Dr. Nafees A. Ansari, Department of Botany, MLK (PG) College, Balrampur, India
17. Dr. Irfan A. Khan, Department of Zoology, University of Allahabad, India
18. Dr. Madhusudan Singh, Department of Mathematics, University of Allahabad, India
19. Dr. Sonali Chaturvedi, Department of Botany, E. C. College, University of Allahabad, India
20. Dr. Neeraj K. Tripathi, Department of Chemistry, University of Allahabad, India
21. Mr. Dhruv Kumar, Department of Nano Materials, Bologna University, Italy
22. Dr. S. K. Verma, Principal Scientist, NBPGR Regional Station Nainital, India
3. Life Members
1. Dr. Vivek K. Dwivedi, Member, Executive Council, Blue Planet Society, Allahabad, India
2. Dr. S. P. Tiwari, Department of Botany, University of Allahabad, India
3. Smt. Meera Chauhan, Manager, Blue Planet Society, Allahabad, India
4. Mr. Sudhakar Upadhyay, Member, Executive Council, Blue Planet Society, Allahabad, India
5. Mr. S. P. Pandey, Member, Executive Council, Blue Planet Society, Allahabad, India
6. Miss Anjana singh, Member, Executive Council, Blue Planet Society, Allahabad, India
7. Miss Sheela Chauhan Member, Executive Council, Blue Planet Society, Allahabad, India
8. Dr. A. K. Raza, Department of Zoology, N.G.B. University, Jamunipur, Allahabad, India
9. Er. Ravi M. Jauhari, 7- B.H.S, Allahpur, Allahabad, India
10. Mr. Anil K. Pandey, Village & P.O. – Ranipur, Distt. – Gonda, India
11. Dr. Akhilesh Chandra Tripathi, President, Manav Vikas avam Sodh Sansthan, Gonda, India
12. Mr. Aakarsh Mehrotra, 8/18 Nawab Yusuf Road, Civil Lines, Allahabad, India
13. Mr. Rishi Shukla, 834, Mutthi Ganj, Allahabad, India
14. Mr. A. K. Govindrao, 311, Rasulabad, Allahabad, India
15. Mr. Naseem Khan, Flat no 530, Vijaydeep Building, Nawrozy Road, Colaba, Mumbai, India